TopD Alliance

Top 10 Differences Between Conventional And Digital Marketing

In a world that is increasingly digitized, it's important to understand the differences between digital and conventional marketing. Here are the top 10 differences between these two types of marketing. After reading this, you'll have a better understanding of how to approach your marketing strategy.

Why Outsource Any Business Process at All?

You might have heard of the idea of outsourcing some of the organizations' business processes, and you wonder why it is becoming more and more popular these days. Business Process Outsourcing, also known as BPO, is when a company outsources one or more of its processes to a 3rd party...

Job Hunting Tips

Hunting for jobs has become a very competitive and sometimes cut-throat affair. Here are some tips to help you get the edge in finding and landing the job of your dreams. The Curriculum Vitae The CV is the first and, at most times, the most crucial part of applying for...

Top 5 Technologies to learn in 2021

Technology is growing at an exponential rate. It is ever-evolving and changing. Like technology, businesses have to be up to date with the latest technology to retain their competitive edge and progress further. In the 21st century, we've seen many emerging technologies come and go; here are the 5 most...

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